Start Your Day With Math

Solving a math problem for breakfast will get your brain in gear for the whole day

Keith McNulty
4 min readApr 16, 2024


Every morning before I start work I tackle a math problem. I schedule 30 minutes to solve this problem, and if I don’t succeed I stick with it the next morning and subsequent mornings until I have solved it and I am ready to move on to the next.

Why do I do this? Well, because I enjoy it, but also because it offers me these very important benefits:

  • Solving math problems trains your brain to be organized, logical and systematic, which is incredibly important in order to be successful in the most chaotic situations in work and life
  • Solving math problems exercises a muscle in your brain where you can relate seemingly separate concepts and see important connections between them. This is also another critically important transferable problem-solving skill.
  • You can learn math more effectively through solving problems. Your learning is more likely to stay in your brain because you found it useful in a specific situation.
  • Successfully solving a problem generates an endorphin hit and provides you with a confidence to start your day. The impact of this on your daily performance should not be underestimated. Think about it as a sparring session…



Keith McNulty

Pure and Applied Mathematician. LinkedIn Top Voice in Tech. Expert and Author in Data Science and Statistics. Find me on LinkedIn, Twitter or